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      Ekatalogprodukte & Wartet
      Kategori : Gewürze - Heilpflanzen

    Marigold is an annual herb of the genus Marigold, Native to Mexico. It is distributed throughout China. It is the main raw material for extracting lutein and carotenoids. The yellow pigment content is not less than 12 grams per kilogram. This pigment is a pollution-free natural pigment. Marigold lutein is widely used in the field of medicine.

    Soy extract powder is a form of plant compounds. Its molecular weight and structure are similar to human female hormone, so also called phytoestrogens.For the female hormone, can reduce the impact of hazards;For female hormone deficiencies, can complement again to mitigate female hormone deficiency phenomenon. Trans resveratrol powder is widely present in plants such as tiger cane, grape skin, peanut coat and so on. Resveratrol has a variety of physiological and drug activity.

    Icariin extract is a traditional Chinese medicine commonly used in China. It has high medicinal value.Epimedium saittum extract contains icariin、epinedoside A、noricarliin、I-cariresinol.It has the function of promoting gonad, anti-aging, enhancing immunity, treating angina pectoris and treating coronary heart disease. Bilberry fruit extract acts as a powerful antioxidant that protects the eyes from free radical damage. Soy Isoflavone extract is a form of plant compounds.Its molecular weight and structure are similar to human female hormone, so also called phytoestrogens. Marigold flower extract

    can prevents the vision which the senile eyeball retina yellow spot degeneration causes to

    with loses one`s sight. Ginkgo biloba powder can directly eliminate lipid free radicals, lipid peroxidation free radicals and alkyl radicals, and terminate the free radical chain reaction chain. We slso have

    sodium hyaluronate powder.
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      Kontaktieren Sie Informationen
      No 6, Caotang Industry Park, No.2 Qinling Road, Hi-tech Zone, Xi'an, China   70005   xi an  / Tanzania
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Letzte Aktualisierung : 21.07.2020
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